weightedGCM - Weighted Generalised Covariance Measure Conditional Independence
A conditional independence test that can be applied both
to univariate and multivariate random variables. The test is
based on a weighted form of the sample covariance of the
residuals after a nonlinear regression on the conditioning
variables. Details are described in Scheidegger, Hoerrmann and
Buehlmann (2021) "The Weighted Generalised Covariance Measure"
<arXiv:2111.04361>. The test is a generalisation of the
Generalised Covariance Measure (GCM) implemented in the R
package 'GeneralisedCovarianceMeasure' by Jonas Peters and
Rajen D. Shah based on Shah and Peters (2020) "The Hardness of
Conditional Independence Testing and the Generalised Covariance
Measure" <arXiv:1804.07203>.